
Mellowtech Core Collections is a set of classes for disc based key-value maps. It supports both sorted and hashed maps. The hash map implementation is still rough around the edges so the sorted map is preferred.

Most implementation was inspired by the book File Structures (Michael Folk, Bill Zoellick). This is an excellent introduction to the underlying principles of modern databases.

The Collections API comes in two flavors. Firstly you can directly use the underlying disc maps (BTree and ExtendibleHashTable) and secondly you can use the java.util.collections.Map abstraction.

All maps are unsynchronized


There are two main implementations of org.mellowtech.core.collections.BTree.

BTreeImp - implements a btree using two files - one to store the index and one to store the key/values. BTreeImp does not use any in-memory buffer and all write operations are always directly written to file. This implementation is suitable when you * don’t have extreme requirements on speed * when you have limited memory available * when your index can grow very big (which is typically not very likely)

MemMappedBPTreeImp - implements a btree using one backing file (org.mellowtech.core.io.SplitRecordFile). The index will always be kept in a memory mapped buffer. Based on configuration the Key/Value part of the BTree can also be memory mapped. The MemMappedBPTreeImp is suitable when you * know that the index will not grow beyond a certain point * when you need a fast btree

The simplest way of creating a BTree is to use org.mellowtech.core.collections.BTreeBuilder

BTree bt = new BTreeBuilder().valuesInMemory(true).build("someFileName",new CBString(), new CBString())

Would create a BTree that have its values memory mapped and all other options set to its default values


To be written


If you prefer to work with normal objects (i.e. not ByteStorables) the org.mellowtech.core.collections.DiscMap API is for you. It extends java.util.Map and adds a couple of methods for closing/saving a map to disc as well as 2 entry iterators.

DiscMap comes with 2 concrete implementations (one for hashed maps and one for sorted maps) that use BTree and ExtendibleHashTable respectively. DiscMap extends the Map Api while SortedDiscMap extends the NavigableMap API. Views (submaps) works in the same as you would expect. There are a few methods that are not yet implemented in submaps (i.e. value collections).

DiscMapBuilder builder = new DiscMapBuilder();

//if blobValues is set to true the map will contain a pointer to a separate file with the value
SortedDiscMap <String, Integer> db = builder.blobValues(false).sorted(String.class, Integer.class, "/tmp/discbasedmap");
DiscMap <String, String> db1 = builder.blobValues(true).hashed(String.class, String.class, "tmp/hashbasedmap");

//or more generically (in which case you would have to cast to SortedDiscMap)
db = (SortedDiscMap<String, Integer>) builder.blobValues(false).build(String.class, Integer.class, "/tmp/discbasedmap", true);
db1 = builder.blobValues(true).build(String.class, String.class, "tmp/hashbasedmap", false);

If you prefer to work with the underlying structure directly you can do this as well using the tree and hash builders

BTreeBuilder builder = new BTreeBuilder();
BTree<String, CBString, Integer, CBInt> db;
db = builder.indexInMemory(true).valuesInMemory(true).build(CBString.class, CBInt.class, "/tmp/treemap");

EHTableBuilder ehbuilder = new EHTableBuilder();
BMap<String, CBString, String, CBString> db1;
db1 = ehbuilder.inMemory(true).blobValues(true).build(CBString.class, CBString.class,"/tmp/hashmap");

Would create the same underlying structure as the DiscMaps above


In this example we will build on the data we sorted in the sorting section. The idea is to create a BTree that holds all unique words and the number of times is occurs. Given large enough data it is a lot faster to sort it first and then insert it than continuously update a counter value of a key in a tree.

The first thing we need to implement is an iterator that emits CBString,CBInt pairs based on a sorted input file.

  static class WordIter implements Iterator<KeyValue<CBString, CBInt>> {

    StorableInputStream<CBString> sis;
    KeyValue<CBString, CBInt> next = null;
    CBString nextWord = null;
    CBString prev = null;

    public WordIter(StorableInputStream<CBString> sis) {
      this.sis = sis;
      next = new KeyValue<>();
      try {
        nextWord = sis.next();
        prev = nextWord;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new Error("could not read");

    private void getNext() {
      if (nextWord == null) {
        next = null;
      next = new KeyValue<>();
      int count = 1;
      try {
        while (true) {
          nextWord = sis.next();
          if (nextWord == null || nextWord.compareTo(next.getKey()) != 0) {
          prev = nextWord;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new Error("could not read");
      next.setValue(new CBInt(count));

    public boolean hasNext() {
      return nextWord != null;

    public KeyValue<CBString, CBInt> next() {
      KeyValue<CBString, CBInt> tmp = next;
      return tmp;

    public void remove() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

The iterator takes as input a sorted file of CBStrings and produce CBString,CBInt pairs. Again, observe that the iterator relies on a sorted input file.

Once we have our iterator in place it is simple enough to generate our tree

BTreeBuilder builder = new BTreeBuilder();
BTree <CBString, CBInt> tree = builder.indexInMemory(true).build(new CBString(), new CBInt(), "/some/path/to/tree");
StorableInputStream <CBString> sis = new StorableInputStream <>(new FileInputStream("/tmp/english-sorted.bs"), new CBString());
WordIter iter = new WordIter(sis);

To make sure that everything works as expected we could for instance iterate over the tree and print the results

BTreeBuilder builder = new BTreeBuilder();
BTree <CBString, CBInt> tree = builder.indexInMemory(true).build(new CBString(), new CBInt(), "/some/path/to/tree");
Iterator <KeyValue<CBString,CBInt>> iter = tree.iterator();
  KeyValue <CBString, CBInt> kv = iter.next();
  System.out.println(kv.getKey()+": "+kv.getValue());